Posts Tagged ‘Monsanto’

Our generation has it bad. Many of us do not read the ingredients on food labels; we eat out all the time, we barely eat fruits and veggies, however, we love booze!

Why am I writing this post??? To send an alert to my fellow Cranky college grads and students that we need to start paying attention to what we are eating. The greedy corporations who are producing toxic, chemically flavored foods could care less if you or I lived or died, so it is up to us to pay more attention to what we eat.  If they could, they would feed us overpriced fried rubber with salt!

“Watch what you eat, know what you eat, and most importantly, read the ingredients/food labels.” If you look at the ingredients on microwavable dinners and snacks in large grocery store chains, I guarantee you will find at least 2 mysterious ingredients on the label – Thaimine Mononitrate, Phenylalkaline. “What the effffff is that?!?”

In response to eating healthy, you may hear people say something like this and/or you, yourself, may have said something like this, “Everything is bad for you and I am going to die anyway, so I am going to enjoy life and eat what I want!” Yes, we all will eventually die, but eating a pound of trans fat every week will kill you faster than eating a pound of fruits and veggies every week.

Eating the right things for your body has to be your decision, because we cannot depend on these large corporations such as Monsanto to do the right thing. The only way for them to get the message that we do not want their GMOs is if we stop purchasing these toxic products and begin to purchase foods and snacks that are healthy.

So remember, just take a second and read the labels of the foods you eat.

-Cranky 007-

“We are making a list and checking it twice, gonna figure out who’s been naughty or nice…”

With Christmas just around corner and with Santa Claus coming to town, this will be our last addition to the Naughty List. Now, there are many more corrupt individuals (mostly in Washington) who deserve to be put on this list and who also deserve coal in their stockings this Christmas, but we will unmask them using other methods. With that being said, our last member of Cranky College Grad’s Naughty List is Rupert Murdoch.

Rupert Murdoch, a harmless old man – NOTTT! He has been quietly causing damage to peoples personal and public lives, along with urging politicians to pass unconstitutional Bills.

In July 2011, Rupert Murdoch’s news corporation was accused of illegally hacking into several peoples phones to gain access to information on stories they were covering. One of these victims included Milly Dowler, a young girl who was murdered by a serial killer.  After getting caught, Rupert Murdoch apologized to the Dowler’s and paid the family £3 million. Was he really sorry or, was he sorry he got caught?!?

Secondly, Rupert Murdoch has been urging Congress to pass Bills (SOPA) that would allow officials to police the Internet and block access to various Web sites. Now looking at the age difference between recent college grads and Rupert Murdoch, it seems like these Bills are an effort for the older generation to take control of the younger generation. Lets face it, people in power are fearful of what they can not control and the Internet mixed with young innovative minds is a huge threat to the power hungry psychos we call “our politicians”  in Washington. The Internet is also a threat to giant unethical corporations (Monsanto) who are terrified that people will discovery their true corrupt ways and practices and stop eating their disgusting, cancerous foods packed with GMOs.

On this blog, we have mentioned the harmful effects the SOPA Bill will have on our Internet freedoms. I am perfectly aware that copyright laws should be respected and enforced. However, the government restricting people from viewing information freely and banning access to certain Web sites sounds like a dictatorship to me and is WRONG! That is why Rupert Murdoch is on our Naughty List.

-Cranky 007-


In our last post, we discussed the evils of Monsanto, who have been genetically engineering foods and crops along with poisoning the population. Check the video out for yourself! It is crucial that you know what you are eating and the toxins/chemicals that Monsanto is placing in the food. You will also learn the history of this corporation and their agenda. This video is part one out of ten.

Don’t you just love the Internet? Isn’t it amazing? It allows us to maintain complete anonymity, feed our shopping habits, collect information, download illeg—eerr I mean download music and it also allows anonymous hackers to take down evil corporations. Yes you read that right!

Last week, December 5, 2011, a group of Anonymous hackers hacked into Monsanto’s PR Firm and caused quite a bit of confusion. Monsanto, who was recently declared “the worst company” of 2011 by, have been under fire for a while by their unethical business practices. They have famously been investigated in the documentary Food Inc. for forcing farmers (both home and abroad) to use their genetically altered products.

Following hacking, Monsanto’s Public Relations firm (also known as the Bivens Group) responded with the following statement: “Our Cyber Infrastructure has recently been put under attack.  We are evaluating the extent of the intrusion, and apologize for any downtime and issues this may cause you. It is not yet determined what the motives behind the attack are, or what, if any data has been compromised. We will continue to keep you up to date, and sincerely apologize for any inconvenience.” Last Monday, Anonymous also released their own statement which stated, Operation End Monsanto is still very much up and running. Pwnage will continue indefinitely.”

This is a bold move by the Anonymous hacktivists group. However, considering Monsanto’s own crimes against public health and the environment, this attack seems justified. We, as a people, should have the right to decide what to eat and farmers should be able to plant and grow crops freely. Thomas Jefferson once said, “If people let the government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as the souls who live under tyranny.”

Til next time, stay Cranky My Friends.

-Cranky Scholar-