Posts Tagged ‘chemicals’

Our generation has it bad. Many of us do not read the ingredients on food labels; we eat out all the time, we barely eat fruits and veggies, however, we love booze!

Why am I writing this post??? To send an alert to my fellow Cranky college grads and students that we need to start paying attention to what we are eating. The greedy corporations who are producing toxic, chemically flavored foods could care less if you or I lived or died, so it is up to us to pay more attention to what we eat.  If they could, they would feed us overpriced fried rubber with salt!

“Watch what you eat, know what you eat, and most importantly, read the ingredients/food labels.” If you look at the ingredients on microwavable dinners and snacks in large grocery store chains, I guarantee you will find at least 2 mysterious ingredients on the label – Thaimine Mononitrate, Phenylalkaline. “What the effffff is that?!?”

In response to eating healthy, you may hear people say something like this and/or you, yourself, may have said something like this, “Everything is bad for you and I am going to die anyway, so I am going to enjoy life and eat what I want!” Yes, we all will eventually die, but eating a pound of trans fat every week will kill you faster than eating a pound of fruits and veggies every week.

Eating the right things for your body has to be your decision, because we cannot depend on these large corporations such as Monsanto to do the right thing. The only way for them to get the message that we do not want their GMOs is if we stop purchasing these toxic products and begin to purchase foods and snacks that are healthy.

So remember, just take a second and read the labels of the foods you eat.

-Cranky 007-


In our last post, we discussed the evils of Monsanto, who have been genetically engineering foods and crops along with poisoning the population. Check the video out for yourself! It is crucial that you know what you are eating and the toxins/chemicals that Monsanto is placing in the food. You will also learn the history of this corporation and their agenda. This video is part one out of ten.