Posts Tagged ‘Police Brutality’

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Unknown to many users, Facebook has the ability to track users’ activity even after they have signed off. Some users have come forward accusing Facebook of this disturbing activity. However, not only is Facebook able track your online activity now, but now they are also able to track your every movements in the outside world. Many of us remain logged in to Facebook on our cell phones, iPads, iPods, etc, 24/7. Therefore as a result, we are jeopardizing our privacy and also our safety believe it or not. The White House is even currently questioning how users personal data is being used on social media Web sites such as Facebook.

Still millions of users fail to see the dangers lurking in the waters – posting every picture, sending extremely personal messages, recklessly checking into places, etc. Let’s face it, Facebook is a stalkers greatest gift. However, Facebook has become the master stalker as they continue to compile and store data on each and every user.

So, what are we going to do about it? Well for starters before Facebook goes public this spring, you may want to consider deleting/disabling your account. If you cannot bring yourself to disable your account, but want to protect yourself the best way possible, here are some suggestions below:

1. Remove Facebook from your handheld devices

2. Only log in from a laptop or desktop to limit tracking instead of using a cell phone, iPad, etc.

3. Do not check into places, everrrr

4. Do not post photos you do not feel comfortable showing 20,000 other people/advertisers

5. Do not login to games and other applications using Facebook

Games often have tracking systems that Facebook can take advantage of and sell to advertisers. With this information stored and collected on users, Facebook has made it ten times easier for advertisers to sink their sharp fangs into your wallet and worse yet, into your mind and close personal thoughts. No one exactly knows how this information will be used in future – ten, twenty years from now, so prevention is often better than living with the consequences.

The reality is that “we” as human beings do not need Facebook to maintain relationships with friends and family. Besides, humans got on fine thousands of years before it was even a thought; and let’s face it, Facebook also comes with drama and stupidity. Some users have stated in the past that after they deleted their profile, they claim to feel liberated and free to establish relationships and friendships with people they choose and not with people Facebook suggest. Think about it!

-Cranky 007

We’re back! I hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving. Recently, we created Cranky College Grad’s Naughty List (see previous post), and today officially marks our first installation of Cranky College Grad’s Deans List. As you all should remember, the Dean List is used by many colleges to spotlight students who are doing an exceptional job along with maintaining a high GPA. However, our Deans List will spotlight individuals who stand up for what’s right, are making a difference and having a positive impact on our society. Our first member of our Deans List is Naomi Wolf.

Naomi Wolf is an American author and political consultant. She is one of the leading spokespersons for female rights and is best known for her book entitled the End of America: A letter of Warning to a Young Patriot. In this book, Wolf takes a historical look at fascism and shows how the same steps a government uses to implement fascism are currently being used today. Her ten-step outline is listed below:

• Invoke a terrifying internal and external enemy
• Create secret prisons where torture takes place
• Develop a thug caste of paramilitary force not answerable to citizens
• Set up an internal surveillance system
• Harass citizen groups
• Engage in arbitrary detention and release
• Target key individuals
• Control the press
• Treat all political dissidents as traitors
• Suspend the rule of law

It is not to difficult to see how most of these steps have already been implemented in American society. Portraying Islamic groups as enemies, setting up Guantanamo Bay, the use of private defense contractors, camera systems being used to survey the public in thousands of neighborhoods and highways across America and the mistreatment of Occupy Wall Street protesters are just a few real world examples. Naomi Wolf is doing a great service by bringing these truths to light. She has even protested along  side OWS protests and got arrested during the protests (see video below). For that alone, she deserves to be on the Deans List. Till next time, Stay Cranky My Friends.

-Cranky Scholar-


Occupy Wall Street was a huge success on November 17, Day of Action. It was amazing! OWS had their voices heard all over the world. The events of Tuesday morning’s Zuccotti Park raid by the NYPD added fuel to the fire and made the fire shine even more bright. Thousands of people flooded Wall Street, the subways, Foley Square, and the Brooklyn Bridge in NYC to stand together and protest. You heard the voices of the unemployed, the underemployed, the homeless, the patriarchs, the cranky grads, and the cranky college students. Everyone, from all different walks of life were present.

Foley Square

However, even though the protests were a success, there were still quite a few arrests and injuries to protesters. Some corrupt NYPD officers just can not help themselves with tempers flaring like the Bull, making me wonder how they got their badges. I think a citizens arrest should be permitted, allowing citizens to arrest any officer using unlawful force and breaking the law. I guess that would mean Mayor Bloomberg would also have to be taken into custody for authorizing the eviction of people from a public park, which by definition means the park is Open to the Public.

Well anyway, let’s keep this powerful movement going. “The people united will never be defeated!” – OWS Cheer

-CRANKY 007-

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Early in the morning of November 15, 2011, at 1 AM, police surrounded Zuccotti Park and told protesters that they must evacuate the premises immediately. Police had riot gear and masks on, ready for a standoff with protesters. Some protesters cooperated with police and left quietly while others formed human chains to prevent the police from entering the park. Those protesters were arrested and taken to jail. Others tied themselves to trees and refused to evacuate the premises. They were also handcuffed and taken to jail. About 200 arrests were made. The park was completely cleaned and emptied.

By 7 AM the only occupiers of the park were the NYPD. After the park was cleaned, protesters marched around the park demanding that the police allow them back in. After all it is a public park right?!?

Once I heard the news, I rushed down to Zuccotti park in the morning. As I was standing on the street corner for literally 5 seconds to take a picture, an officer told me to, “Keep it moving!” I told the officer that I would like to take a picture of the park but, he said he did not care and told me quite forcefully to keep it moving. I was not in the mood to be handcuffed and hauled to jail, so I just mumbled cranky/curse words under my breath and walked elsewhere to take pictures.

As an American citizen, I should be allowed to stop and take pictures. After all, I thought this was a free country?!? Now if I had stayed on that street corner and took the pictures, I would have most likely been arrested and charged with trespassing. If he was in a really bad mood, I may have even been charged with resisting arrest. Many protesters have experienced the same treatment I received and they chanted, “This is what a police state looks like.” Yes, this s exactly what a police state looks like.

The police finally let people back into Zuccotti Park around 5 PM. However, the park is now completely gated off with only 2 entrances and a heavy police presence. Before entering the park, you must be searched; no large back packs, no musical instruments, no tents are allowed. To add fuel to the fire, police are also video taping each person one-by-one as you enter the park. What are they planning to do with that footage?

Quite frankly, this is the crankiest I have been in months. Stay tuned!

-Cranky 007-

“Do as I say and not as I do!” Is this our new foreign policy?!?!?

First, I would like to say that this video was well done. Two thumbs up! Next, I would like to say, before too much focus is placed around other countries and foreign policies, more focus needs to be placed on the immediate concerns of the American people and economy. People are being wrongfully arrested, beaten, pepper sprayed, tear gassed, etc. How is America expected to set an example for other countries to model and follow when there is unrest in our very own streets and in the hearts of the American people???

Shame on you!

The NYPD has been getting a lot of flack for how they have been handling the Occupy Wall Street protests! Now, just to make this clear, all cops are not bad and I would also like to commend the good cops out there who are trying and I understand you have a job to do. But, to the cops who abuse their power and throw peaceful protesters to the ground, use pepper spray on crowds, and use your batons to beat bystanders, shame on you! -_- Officers you are part of the 99% so be thankful for your overtime pay that these protests are giving you and stop acting like pigs. Once again to all my good, civilized cops, this message is not for you!