Posts Tagged ‘capitalist’

Ja-Z's new T-shirt

“I got 99 problems but a [buck] ain’t one.” Jay-Z, the creator of the phrase, and who some would say falls into the category of the one percent, recently faced backlash for trying to capitalize off of the Occupy Wall Street movement. The criticism stemmed from his decision to add a shirt to his Rocawear clothing line which, read “Occupy All Streets.”

The shirt which is being pulled from the Rocawear clothing line would have retailed for $22 and, as far as we know, none of the capital generated from sales was going towards the OWS movement. Jay-Z capitalizing off the OWS movement is nothing new, many celebrities have been trying to find ways to infiltrate the movement to profit and boost their careers. However, OWS does not need celebrities, because the movement will go on with or without them! If “Occupy All Streets” was not the motto Jay-Z was trying to use for his T-shirt line, I would say it could very well be a conscience effort by all US citizens to seek change in their communities. This can be done in a myriad of ways:

  • Supporting local businesses and companies that do not outsource
  • Performing more cash transaction instead of using credit cards
  • Raising attention to local and community issues
  • Supporting local banks

The banking and political systems will not change overnight. In the interim we can all make decisions on how we spend our money and who we vote for to make steady changes on a local level. Whether you live in an urban area or rural area we all face common problems. Let us all help take America out of the hands of these Corporate American Gangsters, and give the world a blueprint on how to create a society where no one has to Live a Hard Knock Life. Stay Cranky My Friends.

-Cranky Scholar-