Posts Tagged ‘bankrupt’


In the beginning, there were mixed reactions to Obama Care.  However, now most people who originally supported Obama Care are now realizing that perhaps it is not such a good idea.  This video discusses the broken promises our government has “broken” over the years and the negative effects Obama Care will have on government spending.

Have you heard the saying: “You are either incredibly smart or incredibly stupid.” This phrase speaks for itself and that is exactly how I feel about what took place during Black Friday this past weekend.

According to the National Retail Federation $52.4 billion was spent. If we are currently in a recession, how is it possible that all this money was spent freely and used to purchase electronics and luxury items. Have Americans stopped paying their bills? With little answers and many questions, I am literally scratching my head.

Other than the outrageous spending, people were also fighting over material posessions as if these possessions were a matter of life and death. It was like something out of a movie. Sounds pretty barbaric if you ask me! Many Americans are broke and still spending tons of money. I am not trying to advocate how people should spend their money, but I will make suggestions.

For starters, most of the items purchased on Black Friday will be obsolete to most people within a year. Are “we” as Americans so brainwashed by the media to throw away every penny on the next best thing, instead of saving and investing our money, and spending it on companies that manufacture within the United States. Americans need to wake up! Yes ignorance is bliss, but knowledge will take the blinders off and open your eyes.

-Cranky 007-